=== Improved Include Page ===
Contributors: vtardia
Tags: content, pages
Requires at least: 1.5.3
Tested up to: 3.0
Stable tag: 0.4.8
Improved Include Page plugin allows to include the content of a static page in a template file with several options.
Since version 0.4.4 IIP uses WordPress Shortcode API allowing to include the content of any static page inside any page or post using the syntax:
[include-page id="123"]
Since version 0.4.5 page ID can ba a valid page path (on WP 2.1 or higher):
[include-page id="/about/resume"]
== Description ==
Improved Include Page is an expanded version of the original Include Page developed by Brent Loertscher and it was developed to add some features I needed.
### Key Features
- Page title display with optional HTML code,
- Content display with different styles (full, teaser, custom ‘more’ link),
- Wordpress filters applied to both the content and the title,
- Supports Wordpress 2.5.x Shortcode API
### Version Notes 0.4.8
- Fixed bug which broke the ID style inclusion on WP 3.0 (thanks to Mike
Woods, Brad Lauster and wptk)
- Fixed a bug on the 'more' link which caused too many slashes when using
images as 'more tags' (thanks to Nikhil Dabas)
Note: if you use HTML code in the 'more' link use single quotes for the
'more' parameter, like this:
`[include-page id="mypage" more='']`
or you will have a PHP Warning
- Fixed a bug in the displayTitle attribute: using "false" you will get a
real boolean false and title is hidden
- Added a new wp action 'include-page' to use inside your PHP code
- Edited class attrimute for the 'more' link. Now it is 'more-link' and
### Version Notes 0.4.7
- On WP 2.5 or greater allows custom inclusion by post type and status using
parameters 'allowType' and 'allowStatus'.
- Bug fix: in shortcode fixed a bug that could crash PHP when including
recursive page/posts
### Version Notes (0.4.6)
- Bug fixed: since this version you can include only static pages with
status of 'published'.
### Version Notes (0.4.5)
- Page ID can be a valid page path (WP 2.1 or higher required) with
contribution by Guy Leech.
### Version notes (0.4.4)
- Added parameter $return (default = false) to iinclude_page() function
- Added support for WP 2.5.x shortcode API
### Version notes (0.4.3)
The code of this version it's been cleaned and optimized using WordPress API.
### Version notes (0.4.2)
This version fixes a bug that triggers an error when used with some content filter: the `$page` global variable is backed up and then restored before returning.
### Version notes (0.4.1)
This version contains a bug fix by [Jesse Plank](http://www.funroe.net/): resolves a compatibility problem with the plugin [EventCalendar](http://blog.firetree.net/2005/07/18/eventcalendar-30/).
== Installation ==
1. Download Improved Include Page
2. Extract the zipped archive
3. Upload the file `iinclude_page.php` to the `wp-content/plugins` directory
of your Wordpress installation
4. Activate the plugin from your WordPress admin 'Plugins' page.
5. Include pages in your templates ising `iinclude_page` function or in your
pages/posts using the shortcode syntax.
### How to use it
After installing it, the plugin adds the function ´iinclude_page´:
void **iinclude_page**(int post_id [,string params, boolean return = false])
The function takes three parameters: the id of the page to include (`post_id`) and an optional string (`params`) which contains the display options and an optional boolean (`return`) tells wether to return the content or display it on screen.
#### Example 1: basic usage
If you wish to include the content of page number `4` insert the following code into your template file (eg. sidebar.php):
In order to avoid PHP errors you should use the function with the following syntax:
#### Example 2: using optional parameter
You can also display the page title using the following code:
'); ?>
#### Example 3: using Shortcode API
You can include a page's content in a page/post using the syntax:
[include-page id="123"]
[include-page id="3" displayTitle="true" displayStyle="DT_TEASER_MORE" titleBefore="
- Teaser with ‘more’ link (default)DT_TEASER_ONLY
-Teaser only, without ‘more’ linkDT_FULL_CONTENT
- Full content including teaserDT_FULL_CONTENT_NOTEASER
- Full content without teaser